Weird printer
There’s a weird printer that has two special requirements:
Printers can only print a sequence of the same characters at a time. New characters can be printed at any start and end at any time and will overwrite existing characters. Given a string s, your task is to calculate the minimum number of times the printer needs to print it.
Example 1
Input: s = "aaabbb" Output: 2 Explanation: Print "aaa" first and then "BBB".Copy the code
Example 2
Input: s = "aba" Output: 2 Explanation: Print "aaa" first and then print "b" in the second position to overwrite the original character 'a'.Copy the code
Train of thought
- Dynamic programming is generally used to solve maximum and minimum problems.
- Dp [I][j] represents the minimum printing times between the interval [I,j]
- For example, if “a” contains only one character, it needs to be printed once
- For example, “ab”, which has only two characters, needs to be printed twice
- For example, if “aba” has three characters, it needs to be printed twice: “AAA” first, and then “B” in the middle.
- For example, “abab”, which has four characters, needs to be divided into smaller intervals to obtain the minimum number of prints. The analysis is as follows: first print “A “, then print” BAB “, the printing times is 1+2=3; First print “ab”, then print” ab”, printing times 2+2=4; First print “ABA “, then print” B “, printing times of 2+1=3. In summary, the print times are at least 3.
- According to the above analysis, it is divided into two situations:
When s[I]==s[J], dp[I][J]= DP [I][J-1];
When s [I]! = s [j], dp [I] [j] = min (d [[I] [j], dp (I, k) + dp [k + 1] [j].)
- Since there is only one character, the number of times to print is 1. The dp [I] [j] = 1.
- In this case, it can be divided into front to back analysis (such as solution 2) and back to front analysis (such as solution 1).
Method a
// make([][]int,len(s)) // make([][]int,len(s)) // for I :=0; i<len(dp); i++{ dp[i]=make([]int,len(s)) } for i:=len(s)-1; i>=0; After I - {/ / from traversing the dp [I] [I] = 1 / / contains only one character at a time, the initialization of dp [I] [I] = 1 for j: = I + 1; j<len(s); J++ {/ / sure (I, j) between the least used of the if s = = s [j] [I] {/ / if equal, s [j] doesn't affect the use of the interval (I, j), and before [I, j - 1] equal to dp [I] [j] = dp [I] [1]} else {/ / if you don't want to, [I][j] [J] for k:= I; [c] for k:= I; k<j; K++ {/ / divided interval [I, j] dp [I] [j] = minValue (dp [I] [j], dp [I] [k] + dp [k + 1] [j])}}}} return dp [0] [len (s) - 1) / / } func minValue(a,b int)int{if a<b{return a} return b}Copy the code
Method 2
// make([][]int,len(s)) // make([][]int,len(s)) // make([][]int,len(s)) for I :=0; i<len(s); i++{ dp[i]=make([]int,len(s)) } for i := 0; i < len(s); I++ {/ / once upon a time in the future analysis of dp [I] [I] = 1 / / contains only one character at a time, the initialization of dp [I] [I] = 1 for j: = I - 1; j >= 0; J - {/ / between the minimum interval [j] I use an if (s = = s [j] [I]) {/ / if equal, s [j] doesn't affect the use of the interval [I, j], [j][I]= math.maxint64 [j][I]= math.maxint64 [j][I]= math.maxint64 Dp [I][j] for k:= I; k > j; [j][I][I] = min(dp[j][I], Dp [j] [k - 1) + dp [k] [I])}}}} return dp [0] [len (s) - 1) / / return the whole interval [0, len (s) - 1) minimum use} func min (int a, b) {int {if a > b return b } return a }Copy the code