Project background

In recent years, with the vigorous development of open source in China, some colleges and universities have begun to explore open source into the campus, so that students can feel the charm of open source when they are students. This is also a new teaching mode that colleges and universities and domestic leading Internet enterprises try together. This project will document the learning results of the students during this period.

More topic background reference: [DoKit& Peking University topic] origin


[DoKit& Peking University] Origin

【DoKit& Peking University special Topic 】- Read the small program source code (a)

【DoKit& Peking University special Topic 】- Read the small program source code (two)

【DoKit& Peking University Special Topics 】- Read the small program source code (three)

Implementation of DoKit For Web request capture tool (I) Product research

【DoKit& Peking University topics 】-DoKit For small program source analysis

[DoKit& Peking University Special Topic] – Talk about didi DoKit Business Code zero intrusion thought (small program)

[DoKit& Peking University Topic] – Didi DoKit For Web module source code reading

Didi DoKit For Web module source code reading (2)

【DoKit& Peking University topics 】-DoKit For iOS visual tools module source reading

DoKit For iOSUI component Color Picker source code reading analysis

【DoKit& Peking University topics 】-DoKit For Web source read

The original

Some first touch bags


A library for NPM, this tool is designed to solve the problem that the official NPM run command cannot run multiple scripts at the same time

Npm-run-all run-s run-p: npm-run-all: npm-run-all: npm-run-all: npm-run-all: npm-run-all: npm-run-all


Lerna is an administrative tool for managing JavaScript projects that contain multiple packages.

Making the warehouse

An introduction to

#The installation
npm install --global lerna
#Create a new repository code
git init lerna-repo && cd lerna-repo
#It becomes the Lerna warehouse
lerna init
Copy the code

Your repository should currently have the following structure:

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Commonly used instructions

The two primary commands in Lerna are lerna bootstrap and lerna publish.

bootstrap will link dependencies in the repo together. publish will help publish any updated packages.


Rollup is a JavaScript module wrapper that compiles small pieces of code into large, complex pieces of code, such as libraries or applications.

To complement…

Source code analysis – Organizational structure

The directory structure is a standard lerNA project structure, as described above


First, take a look at package.json in the root directory

  "scripts": {
    "bootstrap": "run-s bootstrap:project bootstrap:package"."bootstrap:project": "npm install"."bootstrap:package": "lerna bootstrap"."build": "lerna run build"."dev": "lerna run dev --parallel"."dev:playground": "run-p serve:playground dev"."serve:playground": "node scripts/dev-playground.js"."clean": "run-s clean:lerna clean:lock"."clean:lerna": "lerna clean --yes"."clean:lock": "run-s clean:lock-package clean:lock-subpackage"."clean:lock-package": "rm -rf ./package-lock.json"."clean:lock-subpackage": "rm -rf ./packages/**/package-lock.json"
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The commands to run are NPM run bootstrap, NPM run build, and NPM run dev:playground

The first two are in the installation dependency related content, the main running part is

node scripts/dev-playground.js
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As you can see, the entry is in the dev-playground.js file with the following code:

const http = require('http');
const serveHandler = require('serve-handler');
const open = require('open');

function run(){
  const server = http.createServer((request, response) = > {
    return serveHandler(request, response);
  server.listen(3000.() = > {
    console.log('Dev Server Running at http://localhost:3000');
    open('http://localhost:3000/playground'); })}Copy the code

This section runs a server and points to the./playground/index.html file


<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">
  <title>Dokit For Web</title>

  <h1>Dokit For Web</h1>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=".. /packages/web/dist/dokit.js"></script>
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This is the main portal, and the content it introduces is in Web /dist/dokit.js


If you look at rollup.config.js, you can see that the dokit.js file referenced above is the packaged output file with the input file SRC /index.js


import {Dokit} from '@dokit/web-core'
import {Features} from './feature'
/* * TODO global register Dokit */
window.Dokit = new Dokit({
  features: Features,
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Follow the js contents to find feature.js and @dokit/web-core


In this file, you can see that a total of four plug-ins have been introduced

import Console from './plugins/console/index'
import AppInfo from './plugins/app-info/index'
import DemoPlugin from './plugins/demo-plugin/index'
import HelloWorld from './components/ToolHelloWorld'
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However, there are many plug-ins displayed on the web page, so keep looking

export const BasicFeatures = {
  title: 'Common Tools'.list: [Console, AppInfo, DemoPlugin, {
    nameZh: 'H5 Any gate A '.name: 'h5-door'.icon: ''.component: AppInfo

export const DokitFeatures = {
  title: 'Platform features'.list: [{
    nameZh: 'the Mock data'.name: 'mock'.icon: ''.component: HelloWorld

export const UIFeatures = {
  title: 'Visual function'.list: [{
    nameZh: 'color picker'.name: 'color-selector'.icon: ''.component: HelloWorld
  }, {
    nameZh: 'Align ruler'.name: 'align-ruler'.icon: ''.component: HelloWorld
  }, {
    nameZh: 'UI structure'.name: 'view-selector'.icon: ''.component: HelloWorld
export const Features = [BasicFeatures, DokitFeatures, UIFeatures]
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As you can see, DokitFeatures and UIFeatures only occupy the position, the actual corresponding plug-in is still the HelloWorld demo, and finally export all these.


As you can see above, a global component Dokit is declared. This one comes from @dokit/web-core. Since it’s Web-core, try looking in the core/ folder. Look at package.json. The name of the file in this directory is @dokit/web-core, and its main file is dist/index.js. As you can easily guess, this file is still a rollup package. Check rollup.config.js for the source file SRC /index.js. Here, the definition of Dokit is found:

import {createApp} from 'vue'
import App from './components/app'
import Store from './store'
import {applyLifecyle, LifecycleHooks} from './common/js/lifecycle' 
import {getRouter} from './router'
export class Dokit{
  options = null
    this.options = options
    let app = createApp(App);
    let {features} = options; 
    Store.state.features = features; = app;

    // Lifecycle Load
    applyLifecyle(this.options.features, LifecycleHooks.LOAD)

    // Lifecycle UnLoad
    applyLifecyle(this.options.features, LifecycleHooks.UNLOAD)

    let dokitRoot = document.createElement('div') = "dokit-root"
    / / dokit container
    let el = document.createElement('div') = "dokit-container"

export * from './store'
export * from './common/js/feature'

export default {
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The Dokit initialization process now creates an instance of the App, then loads the two templates getRouter and Store, and passes the plug-in Features to Store. The init() function inserts the Dokit plug-in into the document flow.

View the source code in sequence.


  <div class="dokit-app">
    <div class="dokit-entry-btn" v-dragable @click="toggleContainer"></div>
    <div class="mask" v-show="showContainer" @click="toggleContainer"></div>
    <router-container v-show="showContainer"></router-container>

import dragable from ".. /common/directives/dragable";
import RouterContainer from './container';

export default {
  components: {
  directives: {
  data() {
    return {
      showContainer: false}; },methods: {
    toggleContainer() {
      this.showContainer = !this.showContainer; ,}}};</script>
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App.vue declares a component that corresponds to the Dokit button, which controls whether to display the plugin container by showContainer. Again, we use the RouterContainer


  <div class="container">
    <top-bar :title="title" :canBack="canBack"></top-bar>
    <div class="router-container">
      <router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
          <component :is="Component" />
import TopBar from ".. /common/components/top-bar";

export default {
  components: {
    return{}},computed: {curRoute(){
      return this.$router.currentRoute.value
      return this.curRoute.meta.title || 'Dokit'
      return ! = ='index'}},created(){}}</script>
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As you can see, here is the menu-bar component of Dokit


Next, look at the source code of Store

import { Store } from ".. /common/js/store";

const store = new Store({
  state: {
    features: []}})// Update global Store data
export function updateGlobalData(key, value){
  store.state[key] = value

// Get the current Store data state
export function getGlobalData(){
  return store.state

export default store
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It looks like this class is used for data storage

Let’s look at the definition of Store


import {reactive} from 'vue'
const storeKey = 'store'
/** * Simple Store implementation * supports direct modification of Store data */
export class Store{
    let {state} = options

  initData(data = {}){
    this._state = reactive({
      data: data

  get state() {return

    app.provide(storeKey, this)
    app.config.globalProperties.$store = this}}Copy the code

What the source code shows is indeed the function of accessing data.


Moving on to the components introduced by Dokit, the next one is the getRouter component:

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Here features is passed to getRouter

import { createRouter, createMemoryHistory } from 'vue-router'
import {routes, getRoutes} from './routes'

export function getRouter(features){
  return createRouter({
    routes: [...routes, ...getRoutes(features)],
    history: createMemoryHistory()
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After getRouter receives the Features parameters, it calls the getRoutes function and further creates the route


import Index from '.. /components/index'
export const routes = [{
  path: '/'.name: 'index'.component: Index

export function getRoutes(features){
  let routes = []
  features.forEach(feature= > {
    let {list, title:featureTitle} = feature
    list.forEach(item= > {
      // TODO supports only routed plugins for now
      let {name, title, component} = item
        path: ` /${name}`.name: name,
        component: component.component || component,
        meta: {
          title: title,
          feature: featureTitle
  return routes
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The content of this part is also easy to understand, that is, the content in Features is generated in turn, so as to complete the jump between different plug-in pages.

As you can see, a root route Index is also introduced in the header to continue the analysis


  <div class="index-container">
      v-for="(item, index) in features"
    <version-card :version="version"></version-card>
import TopBar from ".. /common/components/top-bar";
import Card from ".. /common/components/card";
import VersionCard from ".. /common/components/version";
export default {
  components: {
    return {
      version: '1.3.0'}},mounted(){},computed: {
      return this.$store.state.features
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This component is the Dokit menu page, which generates a

for each of the features contents. As you can see in Web/SRC /features.js, features also has a functional classification of different plug-ins, and there are several plug-ins under each function, so you can guess that

will iterate through the list again and generate buttons for different plug-ins.

Find the card. The vue:


  <div class="card">
    <div class="card-title">
      <span class="card-title-text"> {{title}} </span>
    <div class="item-list">
      <div class="item" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index" @click="handleClickItem(item)">
        <div class="item-icon">
            :src="item.icon || defaultIcon"
        <div class="item-title">{{item. NameZh | | 'default function'}}</div>
import {DefaultItemIcon} from '.. /js/icon'
export default {
  props: {
    title: {
      default: 'zone'
    list: {
      default: []}},data(){
    return {
      defaultIcon: DefaultItemIcon
  methods: {
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Indeed, the list is iterated through in the code and a button is generated for each plug-in, just as you guessed.

Source code analysis – function implementation

Currently, only log and application information functions are implemented on the Web server. Other functions are only demo templates.



  <div class="app-info-container">
    <div class="info-wrapper">
      <Card title="Page Info">
        <table border="1">
    <div class="info-wrapper">
      <Card title="Device Info">
        <table border="1">
            <td>Equipment scaling ratio</td>
import Card from '.. /.. /common/Card'

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      ua: window.navigator.userAgent,
      url: window.location.href,
      ratio: window.devicePixelRatio,
      screen: window.screen,
      viewport: {
        width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
        height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
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This part is relatively simple. It calls the built-in functions of Window and Document in JS to obtain device information, which is displayed through vUE data binding


The plug-in’s functionality is somewhat complex, with many small modules, as can be seen from the directory structure

- css/
- js/
--- console.js
- console-tap.vue
- index.js
- log-container.vue
- log-detail,vue
- log-item.vue
- main.vue
- op-command.vue
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From index.js you can see:

import Console from './main.vue'
import {overrideConsole,restoreConsole} from './js/console'
import {getGlobalData, RouterPlugin} from '@dokit/web-core'

export default new RouterPlugin({
  name: 'console'.nameZh: 'log'.component: Console,
  icon: ''.onLoad(){
    overrideConsole(({name, type, value}) = > {
      let state = getGlobalData();
      state.logList = state.logList || [];
        type: type,
        name: name,
        value: value
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The main plug-in is Console, imported from Main.vue


  <div class="console-container">
    <console-tap :tabs="logTabs" @changeTap="handleChangeTab"></console-tap>
    <div class="log-container">
      <div class="info-container">
        <log-container :logList="curLogList"></log-container>
      <div class="operation-container">
import ConsoleTap from './console-tap';
import LogContainer from './log-container';
import OperationCommand from './op-command';
import {LogTabs, LogEnum} from './js/console'
export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      logTabs: LogTabs,
      curTab: LogEnum.ALL
  computed: {logList(){
      return this.$store.state.logList || []
      if(this.curTab == LogEnum.ALL){
        return this.logList
      return this.logList.filter(log= > {
        return log.type == this.curTab
  created () {},
  methods: {
      this.curTab = type
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Four more components are introduced here, and the analysis continues in turn


  <div class="tab-container">
    <div class="tab-list">
        :class="curIndex === index? 'tab-active': 'tab-default'"
        v-for="(item, index) in tabs"
        @click="handleClickTab(item, index)"
        <span class="tab-item-text">{{ }}</span>
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This section is the TAB bar at the top of the console and generates all tabs based on the tabs passed in


  <div class="log-container">
      v-for="(log, index) in logList"
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This component is cosole’s log section and displays all logs according to logList. The display is log-item, referenced in log-item.vue


  <div class="log-ltem">
    <div class="log-preview" v-html="logPreview" @click="toggleDetail"></div>
    <div v-if="showDetail && typeof value === 'object'">
      <div class="list-item" v-for="(key, index) in value" :key="index">
        <Detail :detailValue="key" :detailIndex="index"></Detail>
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Each log-item is displayed in Detail,


  <div class="detail-container" :class="[canFold ? 'can-unfold':'', unfold ? 'unfolded' : '']" >
    <div @click="unfoldDetail" v-html="displayDetailValue"></div>
    <template v-if="canFold">
      <div v-show="unfold" v-for="(key, index) in detailValue" :key="index">
        <Detail :detailValue="key" :detailIndex="index"></Detail>
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The main component used to display data is the script section below, which changes its style depending on the content.


  <div class="operation">
    <div class="input-wrapper">
      <input class="input" placeholder="The Command..." v-model="command" />
    <div class="button-wrapper" @click="excuteCommand">

import {excuteScript} from './js/console'
export default {
    return {
      command: ""}},methods: {
      let ret = excuteScript(this.command)
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This is the part of the console where the input/execute instructions are passed to excuteScript and executed.

This is the code that controls the consoleUI part, and the rest comes from JS/Console, which implements the specific logic


export const LogMap = {
  0: 'All'.1: 'Log'.2: 'Info'.3: 'Warn'.4: 'Error'
export const LogEnum = {
  ALL: 0.LOG: 1.INFO: 2.WARN: 3.ERROR: 4

export const ConsoleLogMap = {
  'log': LogEnum.LOG,
  'info': LogEnum.INFO,
  'warn': LogEnum.WARN,
  'error': LogEnum.ERROR

export const CONSOLE_METHODS = ["log"."info".'warn'.'error']})}export const LogTabs = Object.keys(LogMap).map(key= > {
  return {
    type: parseInt(key),
    name: LogMap[key]
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LogMap is the TAB displayed in the console, LogNum and ConsoleLogMap are the mappings between types and subscripts, and CONSOLE_METHODS are the different method types in the console. LogTabs generates a TAB list, which is used to generate console-tabs.

export const excuteScript = function(command){
  let ret 
    ret =` (${command}) `)}catch(e){
    ret =, command)
  return ret
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This function is easy to understand and simply executes the input instruction.

export const origConsole = {}
export const noop = () = > {}
export const overrideConsole = function(callback) {
  const winConsole = window.console
  CONSOLE_METHODS.forEach((name) = > {
    let origin = (origConsole[name] = noop)
    if (winConsole[name]) {
      origin = origConsole[name] = winConsole[name].bind(winConsole)

    winConsole[name] = (. args) = > {
        name: name,
        type: ConsoleLogMap[name],
        value: args }) origin(... args) } }) }export const restoreConsole = function(){
  const winConsole = window.console
  CONSOLE_METHODS.forEach((name) = > {
    winConsole[name] = origConsole[name]
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The final part is to reload the console in the browser, calling the incoming callback during console execution before executing the original function. The original function is stored in origConsole, and in restoreConsole it is the process of restoring the original console.

In index.js there is a paragraph:

    overrideConsole(({name, type, value}) = > {
      let state = getGlobalData();
      state.logList = state.logList || [];
        type: type,
        name: name,
        value: value
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As you can see, the callback passed to the overrideCOnsole stores each instruction in state so it can be displayed in a log-Container.

The author information

Author: foolbit

Original link:…

Source: Nuggets