
This is the first day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge in 2021. MySQL common functions not skilled? Just read my article!!

▶ common MySQL functions overview

★ String function


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Return STR string length in bytes


  • A character in English is 1 byte

  • GBK encoded is 2 bytes

  • Utf-8 encodes Chinese characters in 3 bytes

Example SQL statement:

The length of the string is in bytesselect length('HUALEI'); # 6

select length('Hello.'); # 9
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Function description:

Insert a newStr string of length len starting at position pos in STR

Example SQL statement:

If I want to give STR = ‘HUALEI’ and want to splice it into “HUALEI is a hansome boy “with insert(), what do I do?

select insert('HUALEI', length('HUALEI')+1, length('is a hansome boy.'), 'is a hansome boy.'); # HUALEI


select insert('HUALEI', length('HUALEI')+2, length('is a hansome boy.'), 'is a hansome boy.'); # HUALEI

but answer:

select insert('HUALEI ', length('HUALEI')+2, length('is a hansome boy.'), 'is a hansome boy.'); # HUALEI is a hansome boy.
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MySQL > insert pos <= length(STR);

If it is a Chinese character string, how to make “blue and white porcelain” into “blue and white porcelain”, “Socrates Square” into “Socrates square dance”?

select insert('Blue and white Porcelain'.3, length('PFM'), 'PFM'); # Blue and white porcelainselect insert('Socrates Square'.7, length('dance'), 'dance'); # Socrates Square DanceCopy the code

In the first SQL, pos => 3 is the index of the Chinese character string. From the third Chinese character, insert ‘length’ (‘ porcelain ‘). SQL > insert string (‘ Socratic square ‘) => 18;



Function description:

Intercepts a string of length len from the left of the string STR

Example SQL statement:

select left('HUALEI'.3); # HUA
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Then the character string “hello everyone” I want to cut left “everyone”, how to do?

select left('Hello.', length('you')); # hiCopy the code

Strangely, the intercept results are not as expected. Why?

Note that len is again obtained not by length() but by char_length(), starting from 1 to len.

So, the correct way to write a Chinese string is:

Select left(' hello ', 2); # you



Function description:

Intercepts a string of length len from the right of the string STR

Example SQL statement:

select right('HUALEI'.3); # LEI

select right('Hello.'.1); # goodCopy the code

No need to repeat the same reasoning as LEFT().

SUBSTR(str FROM pos) <=> SUBSTR(str,pos) SUBSTR(str FROM pos FOR len) <=> SUBSTR(str,pos,len)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

A substring of length len is truncated starting at the pos position of STR and ending if there is no len argument

Example SQL statement:

select substr('abcdefg' from 2); # bcdefg # is equivalent toselect substr('abcdefg'.2); # bcdefg

select substr('abcd' from 1 for 3); # ABC # is equivalent toselect substr('abcd'.1.3); # ABC # where len is taken from posselect substr('Hello.'.2.1); #,Copy the code



Function description:

Expr1 > expr2 => return 1; Expr2 => return 0; Expr1 < expr2 => Returns -1

Example SQL statement:

select strcmp('bbcd'.'bacd'); # returns the character in the corresponding position compared to the corresponding character1

select strcmp('hello'.'hello'); # the two strings are identical, return0

select strcmp('ABC'.'abc'); # case insensitive, return0

select strcmp('abadf'.'abadfe'); # back big, return- 1
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Str1, STR2… And so on to concatenate into a new string

Example SQL statement:

select concat('hel'.'llo'); # hello

select concat('you'.'good'); # hiCopy the code

Note: As long as a null value exists in the connection string, the final result will be null as well.

select concat(null.'abc'); # null

select concat('abc'.null);  # null
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LOCATE(substr,str) | POSITION(substr IN str) | INSTR(str,substr)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Return the starting position of substr in the parent string STR, or 0 if the parent string contains no substr at all

Example SQL statement:

select locate('LEI'.'HUALEI'); # substring'LEI'In the parent list'HUALEI'The starting position of the4
select locate('LEI '.'HUALEI'); # substring does not exist, return0

select position('LEI' in 'HUALEI'); # substring'LEI'In the parent list'HUALEI'The starting position of the4
select position('LEI ' in 'HUALEI'); # substring does not exist, return0

select instr('HUALEI'.'LEI'); # 4

select instr('HUALEI'.'LEI '); # 0
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  • All three functions take the starting position of the child in the parent string

  • The locate() and position() functions are similar except that the argument list is different. The latter uses in to indicate the position of the child within the parent string, which is easier to understand and more recommended

  • The only difference between instr() and locate() is that the parameter positions are swapped

LOWER(str) | UPPER(str)


Function description:

LOWER/UPPER all STR strings

Example SQL statement:

# lowercaseselect lower('HUALEI'); # hualei # Capital wordsselect upper('hualei'); # HUALEI
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Note: This parameter is valid only for English strings, not Chinese strings.

select lower('Hi, I'm HUALEI.'); # Hi, I'm HualeiCopy the code

LTRIM(str) | RTRIM(str) | TRIM([remstr FROM] str)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Removes whitespace from STR string

Example SQL statement:

select ltrim(' HUALEI'); # HUALEI

select rtim('Hello everyone! '); # Hello!select trim(' HUALEI '); # HUALEI
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Note: the trim() function only removes whitespace before and after the STR string, not all whitespace!

select trim(' HUA LEI '); # HUA LEI
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Master index: ★★

Function description:

Returns the result of STR repeating count times

Example SQL statement:


select repeat('Thunder Monkey'.2); # Thunder monkey thunder monkeyCopy the code


Master index: ★★

Function description:

Invert the string STR in reverse order

Example SQL statement:

select reverse('I got turned around.'); # Have come to be meselect reverse('HUALEI'); # IELAUH
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RPAD(str,len,padstr) | LPAD(str,len,padstr)


Function description:

Specifies the string length len, len > length(STR) is not enough to fill right/left with padstr; Len < length(STR) if sufficient, the length is truncated according to the specified length.

Example SQL statement:

select rpad('you'.3.'good'); # hiselect rpad('HUALEI', length('HUALEI')+length(' NB'), ' NB'); # HUALEI NB

select length('Hello.'); # 9

select lpad('SQL'.3.'My'); # SQL

select lpad('SQL', length('MySQL'), 'My'); # MySQL
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★ Mathematical function


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Round X to keep D decimal places

Example SQL statement:

select format(3.1415926.3); # 3.142# is equivalent toselect ROUND(3.1415926.3); # 3.142If there are no reserved digits, the integer is roundedselect round(3.1415926); # 3
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Ceil ceiling (to a greater value direction) rounded; Floor The floor (to a smaller value) is rounded

Example SQL statement:

# round upselect ceil(3.5); # 4
select ceil(3.5); # - 3# round downselect floor(3.5); # 3
select floor(3.5); # 4 -
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Function description:

You take the remainder of N over M, which is the same thing as N % M

Example SQL statement:

select mod(10.3); # 1# is equivalent toselect 10 % 3; # 1
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Function description:

Return X to the Y

Example SQL statement:

select pow(2.10); # 2^10 = 1024# You can also writeselect power(2.10); # 2^10 = 1024
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Function description:

Returns the square root of X, which is the square root of X

Example SQL statement:

select sqrt(100); # 10

select sqrt(2); # the square root of2 => 1.4142135623730951
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GREATEST (expr1, expr2 expr3,…). | further (expr1, expr2 expr3,…).


Function description:

Returns the maximum/minimum value in the parameter list

Note: Argument lists can be character sequences.

Example SQL statement:

select greatest(; # 51

select greatest('Java'.'MySQL'.'JavaScript'); # MySQL

select least(-; # - 1

select least('Java'.'MySQL'.'JavaScript'); # Java
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Master index: ★★★★★

Function description:

Returns a random number between (0, 1)

Example SQL statement:

select rand(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); Given the seed value, the current timestamp is used as the value, which is guaranteed to be relatively randomselect format(rand()*100.0); # (0.100) between random integersselect round(rand()*100); # (0.100) between random integersselect.order byrand() limit N; Select * from N recordsCopy the code

The aggregation function MAX (expr) | MIN (expr) | SUM (expr) | COUNT (expr) | AVG ([DISTINCT] expr)

Master index: ★★★★★

Function description:

Aggregate functions, used in conjunction with group by, are used to find maximum and minimum values/sum/count/average values

Example SQL statement:

# Query the highest paid male colleagueselect max(salary) from emp where sex = 'male'; # Query the lowest paid female colleagueselect min(salary) from emp where sex = 'woman'; Select * from student where name = 'wang'select sumSscore Indicates the total score of a student surnamed Wangfrom score where sid in (select sid from student stu where stu.sname like 'the king %') group bysid; # number of female colleaguesselect count(id) Number of female colleaguesfrom emp group by sex having sex = 'woman'; # Query the average salaryselect avgThe average salaryfrom emp;
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  • Aggregate functions ignore null values unless otherwise specified

  • If you use an aggregate function in a statement that does not contain the group by clause, it is equivalent to grouping all rows, resulting in one row

  • Time type values are not valid for sum() and avg()! They replace it with a number, discarding all information after the first non-numeric character

In addition, aggregate functions can pass in independent expressions as arguments:

# query the score in80The number of people with score or aboveselect count(1) from score where sscore > = 80; # is equivalent toselect count(if(sscore > = 80.1.null)) fromscore; # query the score in80Score and aboveselect sum(sscore) from score where sscore > = 80; # is equivalent toselect sum(if(sscore> =80, sscore, null)) fromscore; # query the score in80Average score or aboveselect avg(sscore) from score where sscore > = 80; # is equivalent toselect avg(if(sscore> =80, sscore, null)) from score;
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★ Date function


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD

Example SQL statement:

select curdate(); # 2021- 1107 -

select current_date; # 2021- 1107 -
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the current time in the format of HH:mm:ss

Example SQL statement:

select curtime(); # 10:31:23

select current_time; # 10:31:23
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the current date and time in the format yyyY-MM-DD HH: MM :ss

Example SQL statement:

select now(); # 2021- 1107 - 10:31:46

select current_timestamp; # 2021- 1107 - 10:31:46
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DAY(date) | DAYOFWEEK(date) | DAYOFMONTH(date) | DAYOFYEAR(date)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns dd/the day of the week/month/year in date

Example SQL statement:

# removedateIn the dayselect day('2021-11-07'); # 7# Days of the weekselectdayofweek(now()); # Sunday->return1# The day of the monthselect dayofmonth(now()); # 7# Days of the yearselect dayofyear(now()); # 311
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WEEK(date[,mode]) | WEEKOFYEAR(date)


Function description:

Mode First day of week
0 Sunday => 1
1 Monday => 1

Use mode to specify Whether Sunday is the first day of the week or Monday, and then determine what week date is based on this criterion. WEEKOFYEAR() always starts on Monday, so mode is always set to 1

Example SQL statement:

# default, mode=> 0On Sunday=> 1
select week('2021-11-07'); # 45
select week('2021-11-07'.0); # 45# Monday=> 1
select week('2021-11-07'.1); # 44# is equivalent toselect weekofyear('2021-11-07'); # 44
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MONTH(date) | QUARTER(date)


Function description:

Returns the month/quarter in date

Example SQL statement:

select month(now()); # 11# Q1 (1.2.3) Second quarter (4.5.6) Third quarter (7.8.9) Fourth quarter (10.11.12)select quarter(curdate()); # 4
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YEAR(date) | YEARWEEK(date,mode)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the year/year + week in date

Example SQL statement:

select year(curdate()); # 2021# the default mode= 0On Sunday=> 1
select yearweek('2021-11-07'); # 202145# is equivalent toselect YEARWEEK('2021-11-07'.0); # 202145# Monday=> 1
select YEARWEEK('2021-11-07'.1); # 202144
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Master index: ★★

Function description:

Returns the English name of the day/month

Example SQL statement:

select dayname('2021-11-07'); # Sundayselect monthname('2021-11-07'); # November 11Copy the code

STR_TO_DATE(str,format) | DATE_FORMAT(date,format)

Master index: ★★★★★

Function description:

Convert date to a date, depending on the format of the date string. Conversely, you can convert date to a string of the specified format

Example SQL statement:

# string transferdatetypeselect str_to_date('November 07, 2021'.'%Y年%m月%d日'); # 2021- 1107 -
select str_to_date('November 07, 2021 12:28:34'.'%Y year %m month % D day %H point % I minute %s second '); # 2021- 1107 - 12:28:34

# dateGoes to a string of the specified formatselect date_format(now(), '%Y year %m month % D day %H point % I minute %s second '); # 2021years11month07day11point29points56secondsCopy the code


Master index: ★★★★★

Function description:

Returns the number of days separated by two dates

Example SQL statement:

select concat(datediff(curdate(), '2021-01-01'), 'day') as 'It has passed since the beginning of the New Year.'; # 312dayselect concat(datediff(str_to_date(concat(year(now()), 12/31 '/'), '%Y/%m/%d'), now()), 'day') as 'Only until the end of the year'; # 52dayCopy the code

DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr unit) | DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL expr unit)

Master index: ★★★★★

Function description:

Add and subtract date

Example SQL statement:

select ceil(rand()*31); # (0.31] # add the current timestamp to (0.31Randomness in the intervalDAYNumber of daysselect date_add(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.interval ( ceil(rand()*31))DAY );

select ceil(rand()*4); # [1.4] # add the current timestamp to [1.4] Indicates the number of random weeks in the intervalselect date_add(now(), interval ( ceil(rand()*4) ) WEEK ); # Conversely, to specifydateSubtract the current timestamp from [0.10Randomness in the intervalYEARNumber of yearsselect date_sub(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.interval ( round(rand(CURRENT_TIME)*11))YEAR );
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Master index: ★★

Function description:

Given a date, return the number of days from AD 0 to date

Fact: There is no year 0 AD in history, but year 0 is the basis for the alignment of AD digits

Example SQL statement:

select to_days('2021-11-07'); # 738466To_days () contains the day, datediff() does notselect datediff('2021-11-07'.'0-01-01'); # 738465The inverse of # to_days(), given a date from AD0The number of days at the beginning of the year, return onedate
select from_days(737515); # 20194 -- 1
select from_days(to_days('2021-11-07')); # 2021- 1107 -
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Dynamic process control function


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Check whether the expr1 expression is true or false. If true, exPR2 is returned, otherwise expr3 is returned

Example SQL statement:

select if(10 > 5.'10 more'.'5 more'); # 10A biggerCopy the code

IFNULL(expr1,expr2) | NULLIF(expr1,expr2)


Function description:

IFNULL is used to check whether expr1 is null. If not, expr2 is returned; otherwise, expr1 is returned. NULLIF is used to check whether exPR1 and 2 are equal. If they are equal, null is returned; otherwise, exPR1 is returned

Example SQL statement:

# expr1 is not null.return expr1
select ifnull('exp1 is not null'.null); # exp1 is not null
# expr1 is null.return expr2
select ifnull(null.'exp1 is null'); # exp1 is null

select nullif('HUALEI'.'hualei'); # return equalnull# equivalent to (case insensitive)select nullif('HUALEI'.'HUALEI'); # return equalnull

# expr1 ! = expr2
select nullif('HUALEI'.null); # HUALEI
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Note: expr1! = null, otherwise null is returned.

select nullif(null.'HUALEI'); # null
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IF … ELSE statements

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

It’s written differently than IF()


IF search_condition THEN
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SWITCH … A CASE statement

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

The switch statement


CASE case_value
WHEN when_value THEN
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The Message digest function



Function description:

Evaluates and returns the password string

Example SQL statement:

select PASSWORD('abc') # *0D3CED9BEC10A777AEC23CCC353A8C08A633045E

select PASSWORD('ABC') # *71B101096C51D03995285042443F5C44D59C8A31
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Note: This function was removed in MySQL8.0.11.


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Calculates the MD5 sum verification code

Example SQL statement:

select MD5("abc"); # 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72
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SHA(str) | SHA1(str)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Calculate the SHA/SHA1 sum verification code

Example SQL statement:

select SHA('abc') # # a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d equivalent toselect SHA1('abc') # a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d
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Dynamic symmetric encryption function

ENCODE(str,pass_str) | DECODE(crypt_str,pass_str)

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Encryption via public key (Encode)/decryption (Decode Decode)

Example SQL statement:

# 'password'Encrypts string information as a public key'HUALEI'
select encode('HUALEI'.'password'); # ��e # Pass the encrypted ciphertext through the public key'password'Decrypt to get the plaintext before encryptionselect decode(encode('HUALEI'.'password'), 'password'); # HUALEI
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AES_ENCRYPT(str,key_str) | AES_DECRYPT(crypt_str,key_str) | DES_ENCRYPT(str[,{key_num|key_str}]) | DES_DECRYPT(crypt_str[,key_str])

Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithms are used to encrypt information symmetrically

Example SQL statement:

# AES algorithm encryption, public key is'salt'
select aes_encrypt('HUALEI'.'salt'); # � � b ɫ D*�ճ�ϐe� # AES decryption algorithmselect aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt('HUALEI'.'salt'), 'salt'); # ABC # DES algorithm encryption, public key is'password'
select des_encrypt('HUALEI'.'password'); #� �� # DES decryption algorithmselect des_decrypt(des_encrypt('HUALEI'.'password'), 'password'); # HUALEI
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Dynamic system information function


Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Return the current MySQL version number

Example SQL statement:

select version(); # 5.731.-log
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the current user role

Example SQL statement:

select user(a); # root@localhost# is equivalent toselect current_user; # root@localhost
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Master index: ★★★★

Function description:

Returns the name of the current database

Example SQL statement:

select database(); # mysql
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Function description:

Returns the number of current user connections

Example SQL statement:

select connect_id(); # 38
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Function overview

All the above functions are summarized into a mind map, which is very intuitive for everyone to learn and refer to:

At the end

Writing is not easy, welcome everyone to like, comment, your attention, like is my unremitting power, thank you to see here! Peace and Love.