Code reference “interesting algorithm.C language implementation”

The article directories

  • preface
    • 1, create order table
    • Insert elements into the sequence table
    • 3, order table drop element
    • 4. Sequence table instance analysis
      • 1, the static
      • 2, the dynamic
    • 5. Summary of sequence table


This chapter concludes: from the static and dynamic sequence table creation, insert, delete, and instance analysis

1, create order table

1. Statically generate a sequence table

#define MaxSize=100;
ElemType Sqlist[MaxSize];
int len;
Len indicates the length of the order table
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Dynamically generate a sequence table

#define MaxSize 10

typedef int ElemType;	

typedef struct{
	int *elem;		// point to the first address of the sequence table elem
	int length;		// Table length (number of elements)
	int listsize;	// The storage capacity of the sequential table
void initSqlist(Sqlist* L)
	L->elem = (int*)malloc(MaxSize*sizeof(ElemType));	// open up memory and assign the first address of the space to L->elem
    if(! L->elem) {printf("Memory allocation failed");
    }						// Returns if memory allocation fails
	L->length = 0;										// Generate an empty order table
	L->listsize = MaxSize;
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Statically defined, the memory space occupied by the table is allocated to the static area of memory, that is, the function stack. The free memory space in this area is automatically reclaimed by the system as the function call is completed. Dynamically generate a sequence table, memory space is opened up in the dynamic area of memory, that is, heap memory, this area of memory space will not be automatically reclaimed by the system, the program needs to actively release.

Insert elements into the sequence table

Inserts a new element item at position I in the order list of length N

1, static table

void InsertElem(ElemType Sqlist[],int &n,int i,ElemType item)
    // Insert item into the ith position of the Sqlist
    int t;
    if(n==MaxSize || i<1 ||i>n+1)	exit(0);	// Illegal insert: determine whether the inserted element is in the right place, or whether the table is full, because the memory size of the table is fixed.
    for(t=n- 1; t>=i- 1; t--) Sqlist[t+1]=Sqlist[t];		// Move the element after i-1 one element back
    Sqlist[i- 1]=item;				// Insert item at position I
    n=n+1;							// Array length +1
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2, dynamic table, if the sequence table is full, you can add a segment of memory space

void InsertElem(Sqlist* L, int i, ElemType item)
    // Insert item into position I of sequence table L
    ElemType* base, * insertPtr, * p;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length + 1)
        printf("Unlawful penetration");
    }	// Illegal insertion
    if (L->length >= L->listsize)
        base = (ElemType*)realloc(L->elem, (L->listsize + 10) * sizeof(ElemType));
        // Reappend space
        L->elem = base;		// Update the memory base address
        L->listsize = L->listsize + 100;		// Increase the storage space by 100 units
    insertPtr = &(L->elem[i - 1]);		//insertPtr is the insertion position
    for (p = &(L->elem[L->length - 1]); p >= insertPtr; p--) *(p +1) = *p;						// Move the elements after i-1 one element back in order
    *insertPtr = item;					// Insert the element at position I
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3, order table drop element

Method of deleting the i-th element: the i-th element is overwritten by moving the elements after the i-th element forward

1, static table

void DelElem(ElemType Sqlist[],int &n,int i)
    int j;
    if(i<1 || i>n) exit(0);		// Delete.
    for(j=i; j<n; j++) Sqlist[j- 1]=Sqlist[j];
    // Move the elements after position I forward
    n--;		/ long/table 1
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2. Dynamic tables

void DelElem(Sqlist* L, int i)
    ElemType* delItem, * q;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length)
        printf("Illegal deletion");
    delItem = &(L->elem[i - 1]);	//delItem refers to the ith element in the table
    q = L->elem + L->length - 1;			//q points to the end of the table
    for(++delItem; delItem <= q; ++delItem) *(delItem -1) = *delItem;		// Move the elements after position I forward
    L->length--;				/ long/table 1
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4. Sequence table instance analysis

1, the static

Create a static order table for integers of size 10. 1, 6 integer input, print out the contents of the sequence table, and display the number of the remaining space in the table 2, the third position in the sequence table insert element 0, print out the contents of the sequence table, and display the number of the remaining space in the table 3, tried to 11th place in the table insert the integer 0, program prompts beyond the range of 4, the sixth element from the table, Prints the contents of the sequence table and displays the number of Spaces remaining in the table

#include "stdio.h"
#define MaxSize 10

// Basic operation //
Sqlist: address of the first table *len: length of the table I: position of the element to be inserted x: value of the element to be inserted
void insertElem(int Sqlist[], int* len, int i, int x)
    int t;
    if (i<1 || i> * len + 1 || *len == MaxSize)	// Illegal insert operation, or array elements are full
        printf("This insert is illegal\n");
    for (t = *len - 1; t >= i -1; t--) Sqlist[t +1] = Sqlist[t];
    Sqlist[i - 1] = x;			// Insert elements
    *len = *len + 1;
Sqlist: the first address of the table *len: the length of the table I: the position of the insert element
void DelElem(int Sqlist[], int* len, int i)
    int j;
    if (i<1 || i>*len)
        printf("This insert is illgel\n");
    for(j = i; j <= *len -1; j++) Sqlist[j -1] = Sqlist[j];
    *len = *len - 1;
void show_sqlist(int Sqlist[],int len)
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)printf("%d", Sqlist[i]);
// Test the function
int main(a)
    int Sqlist[MaxSize];	// Define a static sequence table
    int len=0;
    int i;
    printf("please input six interger number\n");
    for (i = 0; i <6; i++) {scanf("%d", &Sqlist[i]);
    show_sqlist(Sqlist, len);
    printf("\nthe spare length is %d\n", MaxSize - len);
    insertElem(Sqlist, &len, 3.0);
    show_sqlist(Sqlist, len);
    insertElem(Sqlist, &len, 11.0);		Insert the integer 0 at position 11 in the table
    DelElem(Sqlist, &len, 6);
    show_sqlist(Sqlist, len);
    printf("\nthe spare length is %d\n", MaxSize - len);
    return 0;
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The result:

2, the dynamic

Write a program to dynamically create a sequence table. Requirements: 1, the initial length of the order table is 10, enter 15 integers into the order table, and print out 2, delete the fifth element in the order table, print out the deleted result

/* write a program to dynamically create a sequence table. 1, the initial length of the order table is 10, enter 15 integers into the order table, and print out 2, delete the fifth element in the order table, print out the deleted result */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "conio.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MaxSize 10

typedef int ElemType;	

typedef struct{
	int *elem;		// point to the first address of the sequence table elem
	int length;		// Table length (number of elements)
	int listsize;	// The storage capacity of the sequential table

// Initialize a sequence table
void initSqlist(Sqlist* L)
	L->elem = (int*)malloc(MaxSize*sizeof(ElemType));	// open up memory and assign the first address of the space to L->elem
    if(! L->elem) {printf("Memory allocation failed");
    }						// Returns if memory allocation fails
	L->length = 0;										// Generate an empty order table
	L->listsize = MaxSize;
/* L: Sqlist type pointer I: insert element position item: insert element */
void InsertElem(Sqlist* L, int i, ElemType item)
    // Insert item into position I of sequence table L
    ElemType* base, * insertPtr, * p;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length + 1)
        printf("Unlawful penetration");
    }	// Illegal insertion
    if (L->length >= L->listsize)
        base = (ElemType*)realloc(L->elem, (L->listsize + 10) * sizeof(ElemType));
        // Reappend space
        L->elem = base;		// Update the memory base address
        L->listsize = L->listsize + 100;		// Increase the storage space by 100 units
    insertPtr = &(L->elem[i - 1]);		//insertPtr is the insertion position
    for (p = &(L->elem[L->length - 1]); p >= insertPtr; p--) *(p +1) = *p;						// Move the elements after i-1 one element back in order
    *insertPtr = item;					// Insert the element at position I
/* L: Sqlist type pointer I: delete element position */
void DelElem(Sqlist* L, int i)
    ElemType* delItem, * q;
    if (i<1 || i>L->length)
        printf("Illegal deletion");
    delItem = &(L->elem[i - 1]);	//delItem refers to the ith element in the table
    q = L->elem + L->length - 1;			//q points to the end of the table
    for(++delItem; delItem <= q; ++delItem) *(delItem -1) = *delItem;		// Move the elements after position I forward
    L->length--;				/ long/table 1
void print_list(Sqlist *L)
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < L->length; i++)printf("%d ",L->elem[i]);
// Test the function
int main(a)
    Sqlist L;
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <15; i++) InsertElem(&L,i+1,i+1);     // Insert one element at a time at the end
    printf("\n the content of list is \n");
    DelElem(&L, 5);
    printf("\n the content of list after delete is \n");
    return 0;
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5. Summary of sequence table

Advantages of linear table: the structure is simple, easy to operate, through the first address of the sequential table (array name) can be directly random access to the table, so that the access speed is fast, the system overhead is small. Disadvantages: Storage space may be wasted. When an element is inserted or deleted, it is necessary to move all the elements after the inserted or deleted position one by one, resulting in inefficient operation. So sequential tables are good for situations where the table length does not change very often, such as batch processing