This is the 22nd day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

1. Required Environment and recommended software

1.1 Prerequisites

  • mysql
  • redis
  • golang

1.2 Recommended Software

  • goland
  • navicat
  • runapi

2. Initialize the project

  • Create a project

  • Creating a folder

  • The project structure
API ├ mall / ├ ─ ─ ─ ─ the cache ├ ─ ─ the conf ├ ─ ─ middleware ├ ─ ─ model ├ ─ ─ PKG │ ├ ─ ─ e │ ├ ─ ─ util ├ ─ ─ routes ├ ─ ─ serializer └ ─ ─ serviceCopy the code
- API: used to define interface functions - cache: used to store redis cache - conf: used to store configuration files - Middleware: application middleware - model: Application database model - PKG/E: Encapsulation error code - PKG /util: tool function - routes: route logic processing - serializer: function for serializing data to JSON - service: implementation of the interface functionCopy the code
  • Go Mod manages package dependencies

  • In the source

3. Initialize the configuration file

Create it in confconfig.iniandconf.go

3.1 the config. Ini

Configure mysql first

#debug development mode,release production mode
AppMode = debug
HttpPort = :3000

Db = mysql
DbHost =
DbPort = 3306
DbUser = root
DbPassWord = root
DbName = mail_db
Copy the code

3.2 the conf. Go

  • The configuration file
var (
	AppMode  			string
	HttpPort 			string

	Db         			string
	DbHost     			string
	DbPort     			string
	DbUser     			string
	DbPassWord 			string
	DbName     			string
Copy the code
  • Reading configuration Files
func Init(a) {
	// Read environment variables locally
	file, err := ini.Load("./conf/config.ini")
	iferr ! =nil {
		fmt.Println(Configuration file reading error, please check file path:, err)
	path := strings.Join([]string{DbUser, ":", DbPassWord, "@tcp(", DbHost, ":", DbPort, "/", DbName, "? charset=utf8&parseTime=true"}, "")
Copy the code
  • Load the configuration
func LoadServer(file *ini.File) {
	AppMode = file.Section("service").Key("AppMode").String()
	HttpPort = file.Section("service").Key("HttpPort").String()

func LoadMysqlData(file *ini.File) {
	Db = file.Section("mysql").Key("Db").String()
	DbHost = file.Section("mysql").Key("DbHost").String()
	DbPort = file.Section("mysql").Key("DbPort").String()
	DbUser = file.Section("mysql").Key("DbUser").String()
	DbPassWord = file.Section("mysql").Key("DbPassWord").String()
	DbName = file.Section("mysql").Key("DbName").String()
Copy the code

3.3 the main function

The initial configuration is done in the main function

There are some configurations that are not written in. Redis, seven niuyun configuration of what.

We’ll fill it in later when we need it.