
Content description: The Linux operating system inherits the powerful and flexible command line working mode of Unix. In Linux, there are hundreds of common instructions. In the face of such a large instruction library, all learners need a relatively comprehensive Linux instruction learning.

480 Linux commands, commands Multimedia voice combat video is divided into three parts, a total of 480 related commands, and the corresponding examples are given. The first chapter introduces 175 basic Linux operation instructions, including file, directory, shell, print, tools, etc. The second chapter introduces 206 Linux operating instructions, including system management, system Settings, disk maintenance, disk management, kernel development, system tasks, etc. The third article introduces 69 Linux network management commands, including network communication, E-mail, newsgroups, and network applications.

480 Linux commands, instruction Multimedia voice combat video Description The Linux commands introduced in this video are comprehensive and practical. It is very suitable for Linux beginners, Linux system administrators, network administrators and Linux enthusiasts as a reference for learning and development of Linux commands.

Course Contents:

1. Linux Basic operation instruction

1. Text file editing related commands

1.1 COL instruction: filter control characters 1.2 VI instruction: full-screen plain text editor 1.3 Emacs instruction: full-screen text editor 1.4 COLRM instruction: filter specified columns 1.5 COMM instruction: compare two sorted files 1.6 csplit instruction: 1.7 Ed command: text editor 1.8 egrep command: find the specified string in the file 1.9 ex command: run vi command in EX mode 1.10 fgrep command: find the qualified string in the file 1.11 FMT command: 1.14 Ispell: spell checker 1.15 Jed: Edit text file 1.16 Joe: edit document 1.17 Join: 1.18 look command: find a single character 1.19 mtype command: display the contents of a DOS file 1.20 pico command: edit a text file 1.21 rgrep command: 1.22 sed instruction: use script to process text files 1.23 sort instruction: sort the contents of text files 1.24 Spell instruction: spell checker 1.25 tr instruction: convert characters 1.26 UNIQ instruction: Check and delete repeated lines and columns in text files. 1.27 WC instruction: Calculate the number of words in text files

2. Commands related to file and directory management

2.1 Diff command: Compare the differences between text files 2.2 Diffstat command: display statistics according to the results of diFF comparison 2.3 File command: Identify the type of a file 2.4 find command: find a file or directory 2.5 git command: File manager in text mode 2.6 GitView command: HEX/ASCII file viewer 2.7 LN command: Connect files or directories 2.8 Locate command: find files 2.9 lsattr command: Display file attributes 2.10 mattrib command: 2.12 McOpy command: copy DOS files 2.13 mdel command: delete DOS files 2.14 mdir command: Display DOS directories 2.15 mktemp command: 2.17 mread: Copy mS-DOS files to Linux/Unix directories 2.18 mren: Copy mS-DOS files to Linux/Unix directories 2.19 mshowfat: displays the records of DOS files in FAT 2.20 mtools: Displays the commands supported by MTools 2.21 mToolstest: displays the commands supported by MTools. 2.22 mv command: move or rename an existing file or directory 2.23 OD command: output the contents of the file 2.24 paste command: merge the columns of the file 2.25 patch command: patch the file 2.26 RCP command: 2.27 rhmask command: generates and restores encrypted files 2.28 rm command: deletes a file or directory 2.29 slocate command: searches for a file or directory 2.30 split command: splits a file 2.31 tee command: Read data from standard input and output its contents to a file 2.32 TmpWatch directive: Delete cached files 2.33 Touch directive: modify the time of a file or directory 2.34 umask directive: Specify the preset permission mask when creating a file 2.35 whereis directive: 2.36 which command: find files 2.37 CAT command: connect file strings and upload them to the basic output device 2.38 chattr command: modify file properties 2.39 CHGRP command: change the owning group of a file or directory 2.40 chmod command: Changing the permission of a file or directory 2.41 chown command: changing the owner or group of a file or directory 2.42 CKsum command: checking whether the CRC of a file is correct 2.43 CMP command: comparing two files 2.44 cp command: copying a file or directory 2.45 cut command: Output the specified length of text 2.46 indent instruction: adjust the c source code file format

3. FTP remote file transfer commands

3.1 FTP Command: Log in to the FTP server 3.2 bye command: interrupt the FTP connection and end the program 3.3 ftpcount command: Display the number of FTP login users 3.4 ftpshut command: shut down the FTP server at the specified time 3.5 ftpwho command: 3.6 NCFTP Command: Transfer files 3.7 TFTP Command: Transfer files 3.8 UUCICO Command: UUCP File Transfer service program 3.9 UUCP command: Transfer files between systems 3.10 Uupick command: 3.11 UUTO instruction: Send files to a remote UUCP host Unit 4 File compression and backup 4.1 AR instruction: Create or modify backup files, or extract files from backup files 4.2 Gzip instruction: GNU compression and decompression tool 4.3 Gunzip instruction: Gz Compressed package 4.4 Bzip2 command: Create and manage bz2 compressed package 4.5 bunzip2 command: Decompress BZ2 compressed package 4.6 CPIO Command: Back up files 4.7 Dump Command: Back up file systems 4.8 Restore Command: Create and manage bz2 compressed package 4.10 Uncompress 4.11 Zip 4.12 Unzip 4.13 ArJ 4.12 Unzip 4.12 Unzip 4.13 ArJ 4.13 Arj compressed package manager 4.14 unarj command: decompress arJ compressed package 4.15 bzCAT command: display file contents in bz2 compressed package 4.16 BZCMP command: compare files in bz2 compressed package 4.17 bzdiff command: 4.18 bzgrep: search for the contents of the files in the bz2 package 4.19 bzip2recover: recover the files in the bz2 package. 4.20 bzmore: 4.22 zipInfo command: displays information about files in the zip package 4.23 zipsplit command: splits the zip package 4.24 znew command: displays information about files in the zip package Gz. 4.25zcat command: displays the contents of the files in the. Gz package. 4.26gzexe command: compresses the executable file

5. Related commands of shell commands

5.1 Echo Command: Prints variables or strings 5.2 Alias Command: Sets command alias 5.3 Unalias command: cancels command alias 5.4 Jobs Command: Displays the task list 5.5 BG command: Executes jobs in the background 5.6 FG Command: 5.7 SET instruction: display or set shell features and shell variables 5.8 Unset instruction: delete specified shell variables or functions 5.9 env instruction: execute instruction in a defined environment 5.10 type instruction: 5.11 Wait command: wait for the process to complete and return 5.12 history command: display the history command 5.13 read command: read variable values from the keyboard 5.14 exec command: invoke and execute the command 5.15 umask command: 5.16 Shopt command: display and set shell operation options 5.17 help command: display help information 5.18 Builtin command: Execute shell internal commands 5.19 command: 5.20 declare directive: declare shell variable 5.21 pusHD directive: push a directory onto a directory stack 5.22 popd directive: pop a directory from a directory stack 5.23 Readonly directive: Define read-only shell variables or functions 5.24 FC instructions: Modify history commands and execute them

6, file printing and utility commands

6.1 LP Command: Print file 6.2 LPR Command: Print file 6.3 LPRM command: delete print task 6.4 LPC Command: Printer control program 6.5 LPQ Command: Display print queue status 6.6 LPSTAT Command: 6.7 Accept command: accept the printing task 6.8 reject command: reject the printing task 6.9 Cancel command: cancel the printing task 6.10 cupsdisable command: Stop the printer 6.11 Cupsenable command: 6.12 Lpadmin directive: manage cups printers 6.13 MAN directive: Help manual 6.14 INFO directive: online help 6.15 CKsum directive: Calculate the checksum and statistics file bytes 6.16 BC directive: 6.17 CAL command: display the calendar 6.18 sum command: print the checksum of the file 6.19 MD5sum command: calculate and check the MD5 message digest of the file 6.20 hostid command: print the numeric id of the current host 6.21 Date command: Display and set the system date and time 6.22 Dircolors instruction: set the display color of ls instruction 6.23 GPM instruction: mouse tool under the virtual console 6.24 Sleep instruction: pause the specified time 6.25 WHatis instruction: 6.26 Who command: print the current login user 6.27 whoami command: print the current user name 6.28 wall command: send information to all terminals 6.29 Write command: send information to specified user terminals 6.30 MESG command: Control whether the terminal is writable 6.31 Talk command: user chat client tool 6.32 login command: login command 6.33 mtools command: DOS compatible tool set 6.34 STTY command: Modify terminal command line Settings 6.35 tee command: Two-way redirection command 6.36 Users command: print the users who log in to the system 6.37 clear command: clear the screen 6.38 Consoletype command: print the connected terminal type 6.39 SLN command: static ln 6.40 yes command: print the string repeatedly until it is killed

2Linux operating instructions

7. System management commands

7.1 Adduser Command: Add a user account 7.2 CHFN Command: Modify finger information 7.3 CHSH Command: change the shell used to log in to the system 7.4 Date Command: Display or set the system time and date 7.5 Exit Command: Exit the current shell 7.6 Finger instruction: find and display user information 7.7 Free instruction: display memory status 7.8 fwhois instruction: Find and display user information 7.9 Gitps instruction: report program status 7.10 Groupdel instruction: 7.12 HALT command: Shut down the system 7.13 ID command: Display the ID of a user and the ID of a group 7.14 Kill command: Delete a running program or working process 7.15 Last Command: 7.17 login command: login to the system 7.18 logname command: display the user name 7.19 logout command: 7.20 Logrotate command: Manage record files 7.21 newgrp command: log in to another group 7.22 Nice command: set priority 7.23 procinfo command: Display system status 7.24 PS command: 7.25 PstREE command: Display the program in tree shape 7.26 Reboot command: restart the system 7.27 renice command: Adjust the priority 7.28 Rlogin command: Remote Login 7.29 RSH Command: 7.30 rWHO command: Check system user 7.31 Screen command: multiple Windows manager 7.32 shutdown command: system shutdown command 7.33 su command: change user identity 7.34 sudo command: 7.35 Suspend command: suspend shell 7.36 Swatch command: system monitoring program 7.37 tload command: display system load status 7.38 TOP command: display and manage executing programs 7.39 UName command: 7.40 Useradd command: Set up a user account 7.41 userconf command: Set up a user account 7.42 userdel command: Delete a user 7.43 usermod command: Modify a user account 7.44 vlock Command: Lock the virtual terminal 7.45W command: display the information of users currently logged in to the system 7.46 groupadd command: create a new group

8. Commands related to system Settings

8.1 Alias Instruction: Set command alias 8.2 APMD Instruction: Advanced power Management service program 8.3 AUMix instruction: Set sound device 8.4 Bind instruction: Display or set keyboard keys and related functions 8.5 CHkconfig instruction: Check and set various system services 8.6 chroot command: change the root directory 8.7 clock command: adjust the RTC time 8.8 Crontab command: set a timer 8.9 Declare command: Declare shell variable 8.10 depmod command: Analyze the dependencies of loadable modules 8.11 Dircolors directive: set the colors used by ls directive to display directories or files 8.12 dmesg directive: display boot information 8.13 Enable directive: start or close shell built-in directive 8.14 Eval directive: 8.15 export instruction: set or display environment variables 8.16 FbSET instruction: set frame buffer 8.17 GRpconv instruction: open group projection password 8.18 GRpunconv instruction: 8.19 hwclock command: display and set the hardware clock 8.20 Insmod command: load the module 8.21 kbdconfig command: set the keyboard type 8.22 LILO command: 8.23 liloconfig command: set the core load and boot manager 8.24 lsmod command: display the modules that have been loaded into the system 8.25 minfo command: 8.26 Mkkickstart command: set up the configuration file 8.27 Modinfo command: Set up the kernel module information 8.28 Modprobe command: 8.29 Mouseconfig command: Set the parameters of the mouse 8.30 NTsysV command: Set the various services of the system 8.31 passwd command: Set the password 8.32 PWconv command: 8.34 rdate command: display the date and time of other hosts 8.35 resize command: set the size of the terminal window 8.36 RMmod command: delete the module 8.37 RPM command: Management suite 8.38 setConsole command: Set system terminal 8.39 Setenv command: query or display environment variables 8.40 setup command: Set utilities 8.41 SNdconfig command: Set sound card 8.42 svGATextMode command: 8.43 Timeconfig command: set time zone 8.44 ulimit command: control the resources of shell program

9. Hardware operation commands related commands

9.1 ARCH instruction: Print host architecture type 9.2 CDRecord instruction: CD burning tool 9.3 eject instruction: pop up removable media 9.4 VolName instruction: display volume name 9.5 LsusB instruction: display USB device list 9.6 LSPCI instruction: 9.7 setPCI command: configure the PCI device. 9.8 hwClock command: Query and set the hardware clock. 9.9 Systool command: View system device information

10. Disk management commands

10.1 DF Command: Report disk space Usage 10.2 CD Command: Switch Directory 10.3 DIRS Command: Display Directory Records 10.4 DU Command: Display directory or file size 10.5 EDQuota Command: Edit disk quota 10.6 LNDIR Command: 10.8 MCD command: Switch the working directory in the MS-DOS file system 10.9 mdeltree command: Delete the DOS directory 10.10 MDU command: 10.11 mkdir command: create a directory 10.12 mlabel command: Display or set the label name of the MS-DOS disk drive 10.13 MMD command: Create a directory in the MS-DOS file system 10.14 mmount command: 10.16 MZIP instruction: zip/ JAz Disk drive control instruction 10.17 PWD instruction: Display working directory 10.18 quota instruction: 10.19 quotacheck command: Check the disk space limit 10.20 quotaoff command: Disable the disk space limit 10.21 quotaon command: enable the disk space limit 10.22 repQuota command: 10.23 rmdir command: Delete a directory 10.24 stat command: display file status 10.25 umount command: unmount a file system 10.26 mount command: load a file system 10.27 MKFS command: 10.28mke2fs command: create an ext2/ext3 file system 10.29fsck command: check an ext2/ext3 file system 10.30 dumpe2fs command: export an ext2/ext3 file system 10.31 e2fsck command: 10.33 lsattr command: View the second extended file system properties of a file 10.34 mountpoint command: 10.35 swapoff command: disable swap space 10.36 swapon command: activate swap space 10.37 sync command: refresh file system buffer 10.38 e2image command: 10.39 E2Label directive: Set file system volume label 10.40 Tune2fs Directive: Adjust ext2/ext3 file system parameters 10.41 Resize2fs directive: Resize an ext2 File system 10.42 Findfs command: Find a file system by volume label or UUID

11. Disk maintenance commands

11.1 Badblocks instruction: Check for damaged blocks in disk devices 11.2 CFdisk instruction: Disk partition 11.3 DD instruction: Read, convert and output data 11.4 Fdisk instruction: Disk Partition 11.5 FSCK instruction: 11.6 FSconf command: Set file system functions 11.7 hdparm command: Display and set disk parameters 11.8 losetup command: Set loop devices 11.9 mbadblocks command: 11.10 mformat command: format the disk of the MS-DOS file system 11.11 mkbootdisk command: create the bootdisk of the current system 11.12 mkdosfs command: 11.13 mkinitrd command: create an image file to load into ramdisk 11.14 mkisofs command: create an ISO 9660 image file 11.15 mkswap command: set the swap area 11.16 mpartition command: 11.17 sfDisk instruction: hard disk partition tool 11.18 symlinks instruction: maintenance symlinks tool program

12. Commands related to system task commands

12.1 AT Command: Execute a Task at the specified time 12.2 ATQ Command: Display the task list 12.3 ATRM Command: Delete a task 12.4 Batch Command: Execute a task at the specified time 12.5 Crontab Command: 12.6 Init command: Initializes the Linux process 12.7 Killall command: kills the process by name 12.8 Nice Command: Runs the program with a specified priority 12.9 Nohup command: runs the program by ignoring the suspension signal 12.10 Pkill Command: Killing processes by Name 12.11 PstREE command: Displays process derivation relationships in tree 12.12 Skill Command: Sends signals to processes 12.13 Watch command: displays periodically executed commands in full-screen mode 12.14 Telinit Command: 12.16 Service command: control system service 12.17 IPcs command: obtain the status of interprocess communication facilities 12.18 pgrep command: 12.19 PidOF command: find the process ID 12.20 pmap command: Display the memory mapping relationship of the process

Linux kernel command related commands

13.1 SYSCTL instruction: Configure kernel parameters at runtime 13.2 Lsmod Instruction: Display loaded module status 13.3 Insmod instruction: Load module to kernel 13.4 Modprobe instruction: Intelligent loading tool for kernel module 13.5 RMmod Instruction: Remove modules from the kernel 13.6 Modinfo directive: display module details 13.7 DEPmod directive: generate mapping files on which the module depends 13.8 UName directive: Print system information 13.9 Dmesg directive: Print and control the kernel ring buffer 13.10 kexec directive: 13.11 get_module command: obtain module information 13.12 kernelversion command: print the main kernelversion 13.13 slabtop command: 14.1 test instruction: test conditional expression 14.2 expr instruction: expression evaluation 14.3 GCC instruction: GNU C/C ++ compiler 14.4 GDB instruction: Gnu debugger 14.5 LD instruction: GNU connector 14.6 LDD instruction: Print the shared library that the program depends on 14.7 make instruction: GNU Engineering compilation tool 14.8 AS instruction: GNU assembler 14.9 GCOV instruction: Test code coverage 14.10 nm instruction: Display object file symbol table 14.11 Perl directives: Perl language interpreter 14.12 PHP directives: PHP command-line interface 14.13 Protoize directives: Add function prototypes 14.14 unprotoize directives: Remove function prototypes

3. Linux Network management Instruction

15. Network communication related commands

15.1 DIP Instruction: IP dial-up Connection 15.2 Getty Instruction: Set terminal mode, Connection rate and Controlled Line 15.3 mingetty instruction: Set terminal mode, Connection rate and controlled line 15.4 PPP-off instruction: close PPP connection 15.5 Telnet Instruction: Remote login 15.6 UUlog Command: Display UUCP record file 15.7 UUstat Command: Display the current status of THE UUCP 15.8 UUX command: Execute the command on the remote UUCP host 15.9 CU command: Connect to another system host 15.10 DNSconf Command: 15.11 Efax command: Sending and receiving faxes 15.12 HTTPD Command: Apache HTTP server program 15.13 Ifconfig Command: Displaying or setting network devices 15.14 MESG command: 15.15 Minicom command: Modem communication program 15.16 NC Command: Router setup 15.17 Netstat command: Display network status 15.18 Ping Command: Check host 15.19 PPpSTATS Command: Displaying the PPP Connection Status 15.20 setSerial Command: Sets or displays information about the serial port 15.21 StatSerial command: Displays the serial port status 15.22 Talk command: Talks with other users 15.23 tcpdump command: 15.24 Traceroute command: Displays the path between data packets and the host 15.25 TTY Command: Displays the name of the file to which the terminal is connected to the standard input device 15.26 UUName command: Displays all uUCP remote hosts 15.27 YTalk command: 15.28 Arpwatch directive: Listen for ARP records on the network 15.29 Apachectl Directive: A program that can be used to control the Apache HTTP server 15.30 SmbClient directive: Client program 15.31 pppsetup instruction that can access SMB/CIFS servers: Sets up PPP connections

16, Email and newsgroup related commands

16.1 Archive directive: Newsgroup file backup program 16.2 CTlinnd directive: Inn newsgroup server 16.3 ELM Directive: E-mail manager 16.4 getList Directive: Download newsgroup Listing 16.5 innCheck directive: 16.6 Mail directive: E-mail manager 16.7 Mailconf directive: Sendmail setup 16.8 MailQ directive: Display list to be mailed 16.9 Messages directive: 16.10 Metafile directive: the program responsible for processing non-text E-mail 16.11 Mutt Directive: The E-mail manager 16.12 nntpget directive: Downloading newsgroup text units 16.13 Pine directive: 16.14 SLRN directive: a newsgroup reader

17. Commands related to Linux network applications

17.1 Elinks Command: WWW browser on the plain Text Interface 17.2 Wget Command: Download files from a specified URL 17.3 Iptables command: Kernel packet filtering and NAT management tool 17.4 Iptables -save Command: Save the iptables table 17.5 Iptables -restore Directive: Restore the IPtables table 17.6 IP6tables Directive: Ipv6 kernel packet filtering management tool 17.7 IP6tables -save Directive: Save the IP6tables table 17.8 Ip6tables -restore Command: Restore the IP6tables table 17.9 IP command: Display or operate routes and network devices 17.10 ARpd Command: ARP daemon 17.11 Arptables Command: Arp packet filtering management tool 17.12 SS Command: Displays active socket connections 17.13 IPtraf command: monitors NETWORK adapter traffic 17.14 mysqldump command: mysql database backup tool 17.15 mysqladmin Command: Mysql server client management tool 17.16 mysqlimport command: mysql server data import tool 17.17 mysqlshow command: display database, data table, and column information 17.18 mysql command: 17.19 Nfsstat Command: Displays NFS status information 17.20 showmount command: Displays NFS server loading information 17.21 smbpassword Command: Changes the SMB password 17.22 sqluid Command: Proxy server daemon 17.23 Sendmail directive: Email transfer proxy 17.24 smbClient directive: client tool of the Samba suite