“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

This is my first post in nuggets, share with you!

Let me introduce myself first: the blogger entered college in 2017 and graduated from a certain college in 2021, majoring in information. Write bug in some electronic factory in Beijing at present! 🤣

Why switch from UI design to programming ape 👨💻

When I was in college, I joined a scientific research team (college student team) by a strange combination of circumstances. Before joining, I would choose a direction I was interested in. I chose UI design (why? I didn’t know it myself at the time. From 2018 to 2020, I spent most of my time studying UI design, dreaming of becoming an excellent designer after graduating from university

Therefore, these two years put the design of commonly used tools, such as PS, AI, AE, Sketch, Axure and so on. It can almost be used proficiently. I also tried to draw some works that I think are better.

And then it wasn’t! This led me down the path of abandoning UI in favor of code, starting with my first internship:

We must attend off-campus internship before graduation, I was also successfully find a tianjin company (now it seems it should be some large state-owned enterprises outsourcing) as a UI design intern intern about 28 days, the final result is stop ruthless, then talk to me once, when words are: your internship will end in advance! In fact, I understand that what they do is not as good as her idea, to dissuade me. As a matter of pride, I offered to leave the same day we spoke.

On the second day after I quit, I tried to find another company in Tianjin. One company asked me to go to a certain place for an interview, but there was no one there. I was stood up

Step on the code of no return road why choose front 👏

After leaving my job, I stayed in a rented house in Tianjin and reflected on myself. I thought THAT I had no talent in design, but was just a tool person who could use design tools + copy and imitate others’ works. At this time, I was already a senior student. This period of anxiety is very!

Another village!

Later, we opened a course called Web front-end development technology. Due to the serious epidemic, we took the course online at home. Contact for a period of time, found that the front end is also painting, just with the code in the painting. Discovered the new continent, thought the technology was for him. Later, I felt that the teacher did not speak well and the progress was too slow. I found a series of front-end videos of a training institution in STATION B, and was completely attracted by the front-end from 7 am to 10 PM (I really admire myself at that time). After studying for more than 3 months and reviewing some interview questions, I started my internship.

Once again set out to practice in Beijing, increasing technical ability 😅

Based on the basic knowledge I learned, I conducted a remote interview at home and randomly found a small company in Beijing (Xi Erqi Pioneer Park). The internship salary was 200 per day, and there were 5 people including the boss (there were only 2 people left when I resigned).

Why say technology double increase!

Due to the small number of people in the company, I had access to a lot of technology, both the front end and the back end. I worked 9, 10 and 6 hours a day, even on Sundays, writing projects in a rented house.

I practiced for about 4 months. At the beginning, I only knew a little HTM \ CSS \ JS, but after 4 months of training, I can basically learn common front-end technologies such as Vue, React, Nodejs, MongoDB and Git by myself (copy and paste). Due to the small number of employees in the company, I set up a web project from 0 to 1 by myself, referring to the project of Flower Pants.

My senior year is about to graduate, and I plan to go home for graduation project. After thinking for a long time, I proposed to leave with my boss. To my surprise, a few days before I left, my boss talked to me three times, sincerely hoped that I could stay, and offered me a monthly salary of 10K after tax. This price may not be high, but for a slag 2 books & front-end learning time is not long for me, it is ok. But I still declined the boss’s kindness, took the train back home!

Again, sincere thanks to the boss to give the opportunity, to let me eat to live the ability 🧡

Technology cashed out and made x W💴

In March this year, I did my graduation project at home. The technical selection was Nodejs+MongoDB+Redis+ small program. I bought a server and domain name and deployed them online, mainly to learn the process of the project going online.

After the completion of the project, I made an online website and connected with the public account to provide external services, but the website did not put links, so it was not easy to meet people.

This June graduation defense, in early July to get the diploma, from this campus life to this successful end ~

Students to work 👩💻

Bi set during the defense, delivered a lot of resumes. However, due to the poor academic background, the resume is afraid to be directly thrown into the dustbin of these companies, no reply.

I may have been sentimentally attached to god, received some interviews, and finally succeeded in finding the current company. I was recruited by the school in July and became a regular employee in October, so I can be regarded as a person with working experience (really become a social animal).

Later study plan

Learn Vue3 source code

Learn TS knowledge

Improve algorithm capability

Get a teaching certification in IT (Think about fallbacks)

Okay, that’s it. It’s time to get to line 4